Dear postdocs and late-stage PhD students,

Welcome to the November issue of our monthly GAUSS Career Service Newsletter. As usual we provide you with information on events and courses organized by the GAUSS Career Service, funding calls, and job opportunities.

If you require an individual career counseling session or CV/application check please book your session for early 2024. We are also happy to announce that our workshop program for 2024 is now online (see post below).

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to your peers who might be interested in the information but are not yet on our mailing list (register here). If you do not want to receive the newsletter anymore, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.

All the best,
Stefanie and Christin


Career Service News

GAUSS Career Service Winter Break 2023/2024

We would like to give you heads up that the GAUSS Career Service will be closed for a winter / Christmas break from 15 December 2023 to 7 January 2024. We will pick up on all your messages when we are back in office. Have a lovely and well-deserved break with some downtime. All the best, Stefanie & Christin

GAUSS Career Service Workshop Program 2024 now online

We are happy to inform you that our Workshop Program for 2024 is now online available via this link. Feel free to scroll through and check out which courses might be of interest for your career development - either in acedmia or industry. If you already want to sign up for a workshop, please check out the specific details and … Read more...

GAUSS Career Service webpage tool: Collection of Trainee Programs

We are delighted to introduce you to a feature on our GAUSS Career Service Webpage: a selection of Trainee Programs in industry. A trainee program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (e.g. Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), we collated nearly 50 and listed … Read more...


Career Workshops and Events

GAUSS Career Service Information Event with Bayer’s Inhouse Consultancy (5 Dec 2023, online)

We’re happy to announce our next virtual GAUSS Career Information Event, this time with Bayer’s Inhouse Consultancy. Read more...

GAUSS Career Workshop: "How to find your postdoctoral position" (18-19 Jan 2024)

We are happy to announce our first GAUSS Career Workshop in 2024 "How to find your postdoctoral position" by Dr Dagmar Sigurdardottir. This workshop is intended for early postdocs and late-stage PhD students who are looking for their first or next postdoctoral position. Read more...

Two free slots: GAUSS Career Workshop: "Job Hunting and Application Skills" (27-28 Nov 2023)

We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Workshop "Job Hunting and Application Skills" by Gaby Schilling. Please register here and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop. Read more...

Webinar offered by the German Scholars Organization (16 Nov 2023)

The German Scholars Organization (GSO) offers the webinar "Careers beyond Academia #LifeSciences" on Thursday, 16 November 2023, 16:15-17:30h. Contents: Life Sciences are a broad field and finding a job outside of academia can be twice as challenging: What areas of work are there? What should I know about the job titles? Where can I find inspiration? Reserve your slot here. Participation … Read more...

Webinar: Patents and Innovation by the EU IP Helpdesk (22 Nov 2023)

The European IP Helpdesk is offering a webinar on "Patents and Innovation". The webinar will explain the various stages in innovation process, and how patent information can assist the decision-making process in going from one stage to the other to successful commercialisation and beyond. Date: Wednesday, 22 November 2023 Duration: 10:30-12:00h; about 60 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&As) Location: … Read more...

Virtual careers event “Work and career opportunities in science and research for people with disabilities” (apply by 27 Nov 2023)

Everyone should have the opportunity to develop their talents and abilities in research and science. With this in mind, the virtual careers event organized by the Inclusion Initiative for 4 December 2023 will hinge upon the subject of “Work and career opportunities for people with disabilities in science and research”. The aim is to create a forum where research organizations … Read more...

Dorothea Schlözer Mentoring Program (apply by 30 Nov 2023)

In 2024, the University of Göttingen will again offer the Dorothea Schlözer Mentoring Program for female postdocs and female doctoral candidates (in their final year) at Göttingen Campus, designed to accompany young female researchers through this stage of their development. The aim is to increase the number of women in leading positions in Academia. The program is based on three … Read more...

Dorothea Schlözer Career Coaching (apply by 30 Nov 2023)

The University of Göttingen again offers the Dorothea Schlözer Career Coaching Program for female postdocs, junior research group leaders and junior professors of all disciplines at Göttingen campus. The program is designed to accompany young female researchers through this phase of their development and help them advance their academic career in a more targeted way. It provides training and coaching … Read more...

Various Events offered by Young Entrepreneurs in Science in Nov/Dec 2023

The Young Entrepreneurs in Science offers various workshops and events tailored to PhDs and postdocs of all disciplines as well as early-career researchers and academic staff to help you to discover your entrepreneurial skills. What do you associate with the topic of entrepreneurship? What enables you to become an entrepreneur yourself? Where do you get support from? Participation is free … Read more...

LIFT-OFF competition for the promotion of start-ups (apply by 6 Dec 2023)

The LIFT-OFF Start-up Competition for the promotion of start-ups enters its next round. The competition is aimed both at people interested in starting a business and active founders (teams and individuals) from all fields. The competition is accompanied by various events and workshops and a mentoring program in the field of entrepreneurship. Realizing your business idea: You will have the … Read more...


Funding Opportunities and Prizes

Funding support for women in science with children - apply to the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation (apply by 30 Nov 2023)

The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (CNV) Foundation is aiming for the advancement of science and to facilitate the progress of highly qualified women with children. Excellent graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are supported by providing them with funds to be used for additional childcare and domestic help (1 year, monthly 400 €). The Foundation intends this contribution to enable young mothers to gain greater flexibility and time for their scientific work and thereby to contribute to advance more highly qualified women in Germany's leading scientific research. Read more...

BMBF Junior research groups led by women in the field of Artificial Intelligence (apply by 11 Dec 2023)

BMBF Junior research groups led by women in the field of Artificial Intelligence to enable research about AI issues on novel and innovative topics by AI junior research groups led by women. The funding is intended to enable female researchers to set up an independent working group, strengthen their scientific profile and increase their own visibility in the community. For … Read more...

ERC Consolidator Grants (apply by 12 Dec 2023)

ERC Consolidator Grants (up to 5 years and € 2 million) are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or program. Researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD (Extensions are possible under certain circumstances — see the latest ERC Work Programme), a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal. Read more...

Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators (apply by 15 Jan 2023)

The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators was first established in 1995. It acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. The winner is selected by an independent expert committee chaired by Reinhard Jahn (Director Emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen). This prize, which reflects the … Read more...

Researching Research - Summer schools and workshops (Volkswagen Foundation, apply by 15 January 2024)

Within the framework of "Researching Research", the Volkswagen Foundation offers funding for workshops and summer schools that aim to reflect, combine, and experiment with the various methodological approaches or theoretical challenges in the area of research on research. Respective events are meant to introduce early career researchers from various disciplines to research on research and to enhance the participants’ skills and knowledge in this area. This funding scheme is designed to strengthen research on research as an interdisciplinary and methodologically diverse research field and to build up and expand respective expertise, especially among early career researchers in Germany. Read more...

Helmholtz Prize 2024 (apply by 31 Jan 2024)

The Helmholtz Prize 2024 is awarded by the Helmholtz Fund e.V. for extraordinary achievement in the field of precision measurement in the following two categories: Precision measurements in fundamental research in the fields of physics, chemistry and medicine. Precision measurements in applied metrology in the fields of physics, chemistry and medicine. For each category, the prize consists of a certificate … Read more...

5-year "The Branco Weiss Fellowship" call is now open (apply by 15 Jan 2024)

The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science is a community of exceptional young scientists who share a passion for taking research beyond the mainstream. Fellows are given the means to pursue their personal vision of a particular scientific project independently – in the best possible locations, anywhere in the world. The fellowship is awarded to postdocs for up to five years. Since … Read more...

Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports our research (Research Projects, Conferences, Publication Costs) - apply by Feb 2024

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports your research via different funding opportunities in the fields of biomedicine, humanities and social sciences. You can apply either for research projects with a limited time frame (apply by 1 Feb 2024), for organizing small research conferences (apply by 28 Feb 2024) or - to a limited extend -  the publication of the results of research … Read more...

Deutsche Krebshilfe: Max-Eder Junior Group for 4 yrs (apply by 21 Feb 2024)

The next call for the Max-Eder Junior Research Group by the Deutsche Krebshilfe is open until 21 February 2024. Aiming at highly qualified young oncologists (physicians during or after the specialist training as well as scientists with an explicit clinic-oriented orientation of the project), this funding scheme is supporting them in establishing their own independent working group and further developing their scientific career. Read more...

Deutsche Krebshilfe Mildred-Scheel-Postdoc Program for max. 2 yrs (apply by 21 Feb 2024)

The next call for the Mildred-Scheel-Postdoc Program by the Deutsche Krebshilfe is open until 21 February 2024. This postdoctoral funding scheme is providing young doctors and natural scientists the opportunity to carry out projects in clinically oriented oncological basic research or clinical cancer research at renowned institutions abroad. Read more...


Job Opportunities

Bristol-Myers Squibb is hiring for trainee positions at their site in Munich (apply by 15 Dec 2023)

Bristol-Myers Squibb currently has different trainee programs on offer to join the company at their site in Munich. Application deadlines for both are 15 December 2023. Please see below for the PDFs of the job adverts provided by one of our Alumni. Applications are only possible via the career portal. A virtual info session will be held on 21 Nov 2023. If you are interested to join please register with Anja Hauptmann. Read more...

Research opportunities at Janelia Farm Research Campus

The Scientific Computing Associate (SCA) II position represents an alternative to traditional scientific roles (e.g. postdoc) and provides an ideal environment to establish a career in computational research or software engineering. The position aims at developing qualifications and experience in computational research and professional software engineering in a research environment that enables the candidate to pursue their future career in science or industry. For each project, the SCA will be paired with an experienced software engineer and a member from the specific lab, often the lab head, to quickly learn techniques and about the project itself.  Read more...



Information on Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (the German law concerning academic fixed-term contracts)

The Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) has been regulating working conditions in academia in Germany since 2007. Now, a reform is planned and the debate is heated.  The German Scholars Organization (GSO) has published WissZeitVG in a nutshell in its Facts and Tools section, with a summary of the current discussion and links to info in English and German.  Read more...


Dr. Stefanie Klug
Coordinator Career Service and Alumni Network
Georg-August-University School of Science (GAUSS)
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11 room 0.227 (
map)   |   37077 Göttingen, Germany
Phone: +49 551 39 26684   |   E-mail:
Web:   |   Blog: GAUSS Career Blog