Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Virtual careers event “Work and career opportunities in science and research for people with disabilities” (apply by 27 Nov 2023)

fraunhofer-gesellschaft-logo-1100x825Everyone should have the opportunity to develop their talents and abilities in research and science. With this in mind, the virtual careers event organized by the Inclusion Initiative for 4 December 2023 will hinge upon the subject of “Work and career opportunities for people with disabilities in science and research”. The aim is to create a forum where research organizations can post information about career opportunities specific to their organization and enter into open and introductory dialogue with talented people with disabilities. Those attending can learn more about various work and career opportunities in the organizations in a series of virtual and interactive lectures, and so gain insight into the various areas of work in science and research. There will be plenty of opportunity during the various discussion forums to engage in personal discussion with others attending, as well as with managers and employees, both with and without disabilities, from the seven Alliance organizations taking part.

NOTE: This event is aimed exclusively at the target groups described. It is not intended for HR managers or diversity and inclusion officers/researchers in science organizations. Register for the event using the online registration. The application deadline is November 27, 2023.