Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

GZMB Lunch Time Seminar Series (18 and 25 Nov 2022)

UnbenanntJoin the new GZMB lunch time seminar series, where group members from research groups of the Göttingen Campus have the opportunity to present their research in short talks (30min) followed by 5-10min discussion. The talks will take place on five Fridays in October and November from 12.15-13.00 in the large seminar room (-1.101/2) of the Schwann Schleiden Research Center. If the Covid-regulations allow, Pizza and (non-alcoholic) drinks will be provided (kindly sponsored by the GZMB)!

The exciting line-up of speakers are for the next two events:

  • 18 Nov: Celeste Giansanti (Dobbelstein Lab): “A tumor suppressor interfering with DNA replication: p53 talking to PARP1”
  • 25 Nov: Dominik Mühlen (Gündesdogan Lab): “Inheritance of epigenetic information during DNA replication”

If you would like to receive seminar-related emails – please subscribe to the following mailing list: (you will need to fill in your email address, click ’subscribe’, and subsequently confirm the subscription)

They are planning to organise more talks early next year. So if you have any suggestions for speakers from a group, please let the organizers know.

Poster: GZMB_Seminar_Poster-1_PDF