GAUSS Career Workshop: “Grant Writing” (March 29-30, 2021), online
We are happy to announce our upcoming GAUSS Career Service workshop “Grant Writing” by Dr. John Dixon.
This workshop is intended for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who are new to the process of applying for a scientific research grant. Ideally, participants should already be in the process of applying for a grant or planning to start writing within the next 3 months. Therefore it is crucial that they have an idea about the research topic and and possible funding bodies.
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, March 29-30 2021
Duration: 2 half-days (09:30.-13:00)
Location: The workshop will take place online
Trainer: Dr John Dixon
Registration: Please register here (in case you are not yet registered) and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.
Workshop description
Over two half-days, we cover the following:
- the nature of this unique challenge and ‘grantsmanship’
- a typical application process
- who are reviewers and decision makers
- four cornerstones of a good application (the research question, credibility, likelihood of success, value for money)
- four attributes (being persuasive, complete, readable and correct)
Before and during the workshop, you will have the chance to use a template to develop the rationale for your research project. The abstract is a critical component of a grant application, and we critique some abstracts to establish the composition and style of an effective abstract. After the workshop, you have the opportunity to write a grant application abstract and email it to the trainer, who will give you feedback. Communication will be strictly confidential.
We use the Zoom platform, and this workshop comprises short lectures, exercises, brainstorming in breakout rooms and an open invitation to ask questions, express opinion and share experience.