Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

GAUSS Career Impulse Session “Research from different perspectives” with Dr. Janina Boyken (Feb 28, 2020)

The GAUSS Career Service is happy to announce the next Career Impulse Session with Dr. Janina Boyken (Laboratory Head at Bayer AG): “Research from different perspectives”

Janina is an Alumni of GGNB and did her PhD in the lab of Reinhard Jahn at the MPI bpc in 2011 investigating the molecular composition of presynaptic docking sites. Prior to her PhD she did her diploma thesis in an industrial setting at Sanofi Aventis in Frankfurt. After two additional years as a postdoc in the Jahn Lab, she moved to Berlin and joined the Bayer AG for a three year postdoc program followed by a two year postdoc at the Charité in a research collaboration with Bayer AG. Since 2018, she has been working for Bayer AG as a laboratory head doing preclinical research. Janina will share her experience of working in academia and in industry.

Date: Friday, Feb 28, 2020
Time: 14-16hGAUSS-Career_Flyer_4seitig_09032018-1
Location: GZMB, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, seminar room 0.232

For organizational reasons please write a short e-mail to if you plan to attend.

About the sessions: Our Career Impulse Sessions offer a platform for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics for PhD students and postdocs in the Life and Natural Sciences. By inviting PhD holders with different career paths, we would like to illustrate the broad range of potential careers for PhD students and postdocs and give inspiration for career choices. The sessions also offer a platform to exchange experiences among each other.