Workshop Program 2019 (GAUSS Career Service) – Survey
In the GAUSS Career Service we are currently planning our workshop schedule for 2019 and same as last year, we would like to involve you in this process.
In order to tailor our workshop offers to your specific needs and requirements, we would like to ask you to take 2 minutes of your time to complete this survey.
Please note that this survey will be anonymous by default but if you like you can provide us with your email address at the end.
First we would like to learn something about your career level.
Secondly we are asking you to score a list of workshops that we could offer in the future. If there is any course theme missing you are considering to be useful, please simply add it to the list.
We also appreciate any further questions and comments on the kind of support from the GAUSS Career Service you would consider helpful.
Thanks so much for your help and feedback!