Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

“6th #Sensation @GOEEvolution meeting” in Göttingen (27-28 Sept 2018), registration ends soon

The GOEvol consortium is organizing its 6th meeting #Sensation @GOEEvolution 2018 in Göttingen from 27-28 September 2018.

Registration is open from March 15th to July 15th 2018 following this link:

Registration fees are 10€ for students, 20€ for Postdocs and PIs.

Please post any question either via email at or via Twitter @GOEEvolution.

Moreover, we want to support parents to participate. Therefore, depending on the demand, we will be able to provide childcare as well as designated rooms for nursing.

Please book hotel rooms as early as possible since there is a conflicting fare in Hannover. Hotel rooms are extremely rare.


Further information on the conference:

The perception of environmental stimuli, their processing and integration is essential for any organism. Apart from the more familiar senses like hearing, seeing or tasting, there are sensory tasks performed by highly specialized animals, such as echolocation in bats or the perception of polarized light in insects. Sensory processing consequently also differs strongly between species. However, at the same time there are astonishing similarities between sensory modalities of phylogenetically distant animal groups, such as the shared cellular structure of light-sensitive organs or the genetic control and developmental origin of sensory cells. With methodological innovation, more and more species can be used for detailed analyses, which further expand the understanding of the evolution of sensation.

Because of the diversity of research and various methodologies in multiple (emerging) model organisms in the field of evolution of sensation the consortium wants to bring together scientists from a broad range of fields to reveal commonalities across disciplines.

Following the GOEvol tradition, they aim for an interdisciplinary symposium with an informal atmosphere with plenty of possibilities for social networking. If you enjoy small interactive meetings and the topic suits you, come along!

There are several slots for contributing talks and poster presentations. We strongly encourage interested students and researchers from all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD and above) to register and apply for talks and poster presentations.


Invited speakers:

  • Sally Leys (University of Alberta, Canada)
  • Michael Bok (University of Bristol, UK)
  • Tobias Kaiser (MPI for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany)
  • Robert Barton (University of Durham, UK)
  • Mirjam Knörschild (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
  • Brigitte Schönemann (University of Cologne, Germany)