Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

DEAL – New Offers in Open Access Publishing for the University of Göttingen (information event on 19 May 2022)

SUBSince 2012, publishing in Open Access journals has been financially supported by the University’s Publication Fund. In the meantime, the range of OA publishing options has expanded considerably through a wide variety of publishing and licensing agreements. For example, through the DEAL agreements with Springer Nature and Wiley, authors at the University of Göttingen have recently been able to publish free of charge in subscription-based journals.

Due to the increased publication opportunities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for authors to keep track of their work. The question of financing, among other things, also plays a major role and is not always easy to answer. In the meantime, knowledge of the most diverse publication channels is necessary for researchers in advance of a publication in order to select the one that is best for them.

The SUB is organising these information event on a regular basis and there are always 30 places per event. The next event will be on 19 May 2022 at 10am (60 min) and there are still free places! Check out this webpage for further dates and how to register, which is necessary.