Workshop “ERC Consolidator Grant” (EU Office), 25 October 2019
The European Research Council’s mission is to promote the highest quality research in Europe by offering ERC-funding schemes that are “investigator-driven” or “bottom-up.” ERC funding allows researchers a lot of flexibility to pursue new directions in any research field. Researchers at career stage 7 to 12 years after PhD are eligible to apply for an ERC Consolidator Grant, irrespective of their origins. The sole criterion is scientific excellence.
Research advisors from the EU Office at the University of Göttingen will give details on the ERC Consolidator Grant and Proof of Concept funding schemes, focusing on application and evaluation procedures. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Manuel Alcarazo from the Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry will offer us firsthand insight on his experiences with ERC grants.
- Date: Friday, 25 October 2019, 9:30-12 h.s.t.
- Location: Taberna, Alte Mensa, Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen
- Registration: please register latest by 18 October 2019 per email to Ms Gunhilde Wilz
- 19:30 – 10:15: Consolidator Grants: The Basics ǀ EU Office Advisors Lisa Grow, Christian Schöpper, Claudia Sültmann
- 10:15 – 11:00: From theory to practice: First-hand experiences of a PI ǀ Prof. Manuel Alcarazo ǀ ERC Consolidator Grantee ǀ Project SULFOSOL
- 11:00 – 11:45: Discussion Round
- 11:45 – 12:00: Proof of Concept Grants ǀ ERC follow-up
ERC Expert Evaluator ǀ Get involved – why & how