GAUSS Career Workshop: “On your Path to Professorship” (11 Nov 2022; online)
We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service online workshop “On your Path to Professorship” by Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb.
- Date: Friday, 11 November 2022, 9:00-17:00 h
- Location: Large seminar room 0.232 of the GZMB building, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, 37077 Göttingen (map)
- Target Group: Postdocs aiming to pusue an academic career
- Trainer: Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb
- Registration: Please register here (in case you are not yet registered) and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.
Workshop description: Today, a scientific career is characterized by increasing complexity, long times of temporary contracts, rapid change and intense competition. Young scientists are increasingly confronted with raising demands for quality improvement and excellence in everyday scientific life. Strategic career planning and individual solutions can help meet these expectations and successfully pave the academic path. To stay in the academic system as a scientist permanently in most cases a professorship is the only option.
This workshop is directed toward young scientists aiming at pursuing an academic career. We will focus on the requirements towards professorship and look at different ways to gain the necessary qualifications. The participants will look at what they already have and what it still needed to be successful and develop an individual “road map” to reach their goal(s). Moreover, the participants will have the opportunity for their individual SWOT analysis: What is my view of a „good“ professor? Do I have the necessary skills for this profession? What are my strengths and what are my weaknesses in endeavoring for an academic professorship? What are the opportunities and what walls am I running up against?
Methods: This workshop will encompass a mixture of tools, from short presentations to group work and individual exercises to plenum discussions.