Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

ERA-Net TRANSCAN-3: Next generation cancer immunotherapy: targeting the tumour microenvironment (deadline pre-proposal: June 29, 2021; deadline full proposal: Dec 20, 2021)

The new project: TRANSCAN-3, ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer research, represents strong elements of continuity with the previous TRANSCAN programs and has the goal of coordinating national and regional funding programs for research in the area of translational cancer research. The specific challenge is to promote a transnational collaborative approach between scientific teams in demanding areas of translational cancer research, to avoid the duplication of efforts by ensuring a more efficient use of available resources, and to produce significant results of higher quality and impact.

Along this line, the TRANSCAN-3 consortium launches its first Joint Transnational Call for research proposals (JTC 2021) co-funded by the European Commission on the following topic:

“Next generation cancer immunotherapy: targeting the tumour microenvironment”

TRANSCAN-3 aims at promoting highly innovative and ambitious collaborative projects in translational cancer research at European and international level, and considers that, based on the previous grounds, it is timely and relevant to foster the translation of new knowledge on tumour microenvironment functions into clinical practices. The expected impact of the call is to improve the efficacy of personalized treatment of cancer patients through the development of new tools and targeted immunotherapy strategies, based on a better understanding of tumour microenvironment functions and of their impact on the disease course.

For detailed information see: