GAUSS Career Workshop: “Teams & Leadership”, 27-28 August 2018
This workshop helps postdoctoral researchers to train their impact to be a good leader, develop and support their co-workers, and learn how to maintain a successful team in science.
- Date: Monday and Tuesday, 27-28 August 2018
- Duration: 2 days (9:00-16:30h)
- Location: GZMB, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, seminar room 0.232 (ground floor)
- Trainer: Dr. Alexander Schiller, Schiller & Mertens, Jena
- Registration: Please register here (if you are not already registered) and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.
Detailed description:
In this challenging course, the following topics are covered:
- Leadership tasks, styles and values in science, personality models
- Situational leadership, delegation, feedback and active listening
- SMART strategies and goals, conflict handling styles, negotiation
- Group forming processes, interaction with group members
- Behavioral and lateral leadership in science, communication in collaborations, social awareness and intercultural competence
Four Laws of Leadership in Science:
- Adopt a situational leadership style
- Structure your job interviews by anticipating strengths/weaknesses
- Prevent, resolve, deescalate and escalate conflicts
- Write your lab´s “constitution”