Dear reader,

welcome to the short December issue of the monthly GAUSS newsletter with information from the GAUSS Office including courses and events organised by GAUSS. Furthermore, this newsletter contains information about workshops and events offered by partners at the Göttingen Campus and application calls for prices for doctoral students in Geosciences or Computer Science. For more information about each topic, please follow the links below.

Some of the events or seminars are advertised in German as the language during the events or workshops will be German. Feel free to forward this email to other interested doctoral students. If you do not want to receive information like this again, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list. 

The GAUSS Office is wishing you happy holidays and a great start in the New Year! Thank you for your contribution to research and teaching at our university and your daily commitment to the progress of science in Göttingen. 

All the best,


GAUSS Office

Call for course registrations - March

The registration for methods and skills courses held in March 2019 will be open from 1 January. You can register for courses taking place in March from 1-20 January; the slots will be allocated on 25 January. Please check carefully for scheduling conflicts. In case you have registered but then need to cancel a course, you can still do so before the end …


Update: 3MT Competition 2019 - Call for applications

Are you a PhD student at the University of Göttingen? Can you present the core message of your doctoral thesis in just three minutes? Are you interested in a trip to Krakow should you be among the final contestants? 

The competition here in Göttingen will probably be held on 13 February 2019 at ZHG001...



Workshops and Events

Schreib-Challenge für Promovierende

Die Schreib-Challenge ist ein zweiwöchiges, kostenloses Online-Promotionscoaching bzw. Schreibcoaching für alle Promovierenden, mitmachen kann jede*r. Zwei Wochen lang gibt es täglich eine Mail mit einem Link zu einer Webseite mit Schreibaufgaben bzw. Schreibtipps für die Dissertation. Weiter gibt es die Möglichkeit, sich über virtuelle Pinnwände zu vernetzen und während der Schreib-Challenge - und darüber hinaus - Online-Schreibgruppen zu bilden und …


Einladung zum Biographiezirkel für Promovendinnen

Das Projekt „gendergerechte Inklusion für Promovendinnen“ lädt am 15.01.2019 zu einem ersten Biographiezirkel ein. Das campusweite Angebot richtet sich an Promovendinnen, die sich während ihrer Qualifikationsphase aufgrund einer Behinderung, chronischen oder psychischen Erkrankung mit zusätzlichen Herausforderungen konfrontiert sehen. Die Biographiezirkel bieten zum einen Raum für Erfahrungsaustausch und Reflexion; zum anderen können die hier versammelten Expertinnen wichtige Hinweise geben, wie Inklusion …



Funding Opportunities and Prizes

Bernd Rendel Prize for junior researchers in Geosciences - apply by 15 Feb 2019

Since 2002 the DFG has annually awarded the Bernd Rendel Prize to early career geoscientists who do not hold a doctorate. These prizes, funded by proceeds from the Bernd Rendel Foundation which is managed by the Stifterverband, aim to enable prizewinners to attend international conferences and congresses or may be used for other scientific purposes. The award criteria include the …


GI Dissertation Prizes (informatics and applied fields) - apply by 15 Feb 2019

Together with the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) annually awards a prize for an outstanding dissertation: the GI dissertation prize. The dissertation must be in computer science. This includes not only work that represents progress for computer science, but also work from the applications of computer science in other …



 Dr. Jonas Barth

Scientific Coordinator
Georg-August-University School of Science (GAUSS)
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 |  level B01, Room 126 (map) | 37077 Göttingen, Germany

Phone: +49 551 39-4094 | E-mail: