GAUSS Career Workshop: “Fast Forward – The Ultimate Productivity System for Researchers” (Online course)
We are happy to announce our NEW project management workshop “Fast Forward – The Ultimate Productivity System for Researchers” with Dr. Nadine Sinclair.
Achieve amazing productivity and reduce your stress levels in 7 weeks by implementing the productivity secrets that allows management consultants and high-performing industry teams to generate results quickly.
- Start Date: Monday, 29 October 2018
- Duration: 7 consecutive weeks with weekly Q&A session on Wednesdays at 5pm
- Target group: Postdocs and late-stage PhD students who would like to add effective project management to their skillset und apply the principles to their own research supported by an implementation phase offered during this course.
- Webpage:
- Credits / Certificate: After successfully completing the workshop (this includes completing the different modules AND attending the Q&A sessions), you will receive a certificate and/or 1.5 credits (for PhD students).
This workshop has a different format than our other workshops as it is an online workshop running for 7 weeks including
- 7 results-oriented implementation modules
- A private social media community
- 12 downloadable workbooks & templates
- 7 weekly live Q&A coaching sessions with the trainer Nadine Sinclair
Workshop Description:
Learn from an expert how powerful and transformative a simple and robust productivity system can be. Participate in this implementation program, which is a 7-week coaching program designed to help you implement an agile project and time management system in your research projects. It will transform the way you work and help you achieve new levels of clarity, focus and momentum in your projects, while reducing your stress levels.
After more than five years of working for one of the most prestigious management consulting firms, Nadine set up my own ventures. Since then, she has been running several companies at the same time while travelling for 4-5 months every year, often asking herself what would have happened, if she had learned these skills earlier in her career when she was still in research. This program integrates her lessons and insights from the past 10 years of working with the top minds in consulting and industry, talking and listening to productivity experts and reading thousands and thousands of pages on the topic of productivity, learning and stress reduction.
Please check out the course webpage for further information on what the Fast Forward program includes in detail, how it works, how long the online material is accessible etc.
To register, please send an email to, including a short motivation statement and your commitment to complete the course. PLEASE DON’T register via the Fast Forward online portal as you would need to pay the full regular fee (697 €) yourself.
We also reserved a few spaces for those, who already attended one of Nadine’s project management workshops in the past but still would like to participate in this online course to make most out of the Fast Forward implementation phase. If you are one of those, please state this in your registration email.
Once you have been enrolled in the course
- You will receive the course agreement with details about the prerequisites for being awarded credits and certificates (i.e. completion of all modules, participation in Q&A Sessions, completion of assignments), confidentiality and intellectual property
- Once you have signed the course agreement electronically, you will receive a welcome email with your access details to the course and the invitation to the group
- You can access the Getting Started Module straight away, the remaining modules will be released one at a time every week
- The first module will be released on October 29th and the first Q&A Session will be on 31st of October at 5pm CET.