GAUSS Career Workshop: “A Career in Academia”, 19-20 March 2019

Am I suited for a career in academia? And what does it take to become a professor? Are there alternatives? These questions are crucial for scientists throughout their postdoc phase. This workshop gives an overview on how a career in academia can be achieved and which parameters are relevant for strategic career development in the (German) academic system.
Dates: Tuesday and Wednesday, 19-20 March 2019
Duration: 2 days (9:00-16:30h)
Location: GZMB, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, seminar room 0.232 (ground floor)
Trainer: Dr. Neela Enke
Registration: Please register here and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.
Workshop description
The first part of the workshop will look at careers in academia and their specific requirements (e.g. creating individual research profiles, qualifying for professorship, networking). It discusses field specific and overarching aspects of career development in academia. The participants take stock of their achievements so far and identify relevant areas of development. The participants explore and structure their personal resources, skills and concepts to come up with a catalogue of criteria to evaluate different options in regard to their values and individual background.
The second part includes relevant strategies for successful career development (e.g. networking, visibility). The identity as scientist (as well as other professional personas) is, among other things, formed by expectations specific of the “the scientific community” as well as an individual’s gender, socioeconomic background and/or ethnicity. The workshop reflects on these aspects to increase the career related self-efficacy of the participants.