GAUSS Career Workshop: “Networking in Science”, 17-18 June 2019
We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service workshop “Networking in Science” by Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi.
Networking is the most effective career building method! It works by developing relationships and talking with people who can support you to explore career options and goals. Studies show that 70% to 90% of satisfying positions inside and outside of academia are found through proper self-promotion and networking.
In order to be able to operate successfully, good contacts are often helpful both to the people you are helping, as well as to relevant PIs, collaborators and colleagues. This network of grown relationships offers professional support, advice and information in your daily work.
The right internal and external network contacts and collaborations can facilitate work processes, additionally, by encouraging and motivating you. In short: a functioning and vital network can increase joy and satisfaction at your job.
Date: Monday and Tuesday, 17-18 June 2019
Duration: 1.5 days; Monday, 17 June 2018, 14-18h and Tuesday, 18 June 2018, 9-17h
Location: GZMB, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, seminar room 0.232 (ground floor)
Trainer: Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi
Registration: Please register here and send an email to including a short statement (few lines) on your motivation to attend the workshop.
A prerequisite for successful networking is an appropriate balance between giving and taking. Therefore, a clear objective is necessary. The best contacts are worthless if you are not sure for which purpose you need your contacts – clear positioning is crucial. On the other hand, your counterpart should be clear about the benefits s/he would receive from cooperating with you. The clearer these benefits and targets are defined; the more direct a contact person is able to respond to your concern, offer information or make relevant suggestions. Such a joined experience may become a starting point for further cooperation.
In this workshop, you will
- understand the relevance of self-marketing & networking in relation to your own professional and personal development.
- sharpen your personal profile and work out your individual core skills and qualities supported by self-reflection and feedback.
- visualize your current network.
- learn how to increase your visibility by profiling and positioning yourself.
- get differentiated and hands-on suggestions for a strategic networking approach in concrete situations, such as communication with supervisors, colleagues or staff members, self-presentation at conferences and in application processes.
- gain more confidence for your future networking activities.
- realize your blind spots based on socialization leading to potential career obstacles
- Inter-active exercises, small group work, exchange of perspectives
- Stock taking in terms of the own network personality: What is my role in networks? i.e. hub, gate keeper, care taker? How can I further develop my individual network activities? How can I do it in a conscious and pro-active way? What should I let go?
- optional: Self-presentation & feedback (elevator or science pitch)