Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

IVAC Festival (Aug 23 – Sep 3, 2021)

From August 23 to September 3, 2021 „Change of Perspective“ is going to host the international IVAC Festival, allowing students and teaching staff from Göttingen and our international partner universities to participate in numerous disciplinary and transdisciplinary events and take part in social activities.
In the spirit of international virtual academic collaboration, the IVAC Festival is designed as a virtual/hybrid event. It will include formats such as keynotes, workshops or panel sessions, which focus on issues of global learning and teaching and emphasize the integration of an intercultural perspective. The individual projects that shape “Change of Perspective” will offer a variety of workshops, where participating students have the chance to learn more about discipline-specific and transversal topics while encountering the diverse viewpoints of their international peers. Moreover, we will present learning experiences and ‘lessons learned’ from international virtual courses across the projects and jointly reflect on the implementation and up-scaling of Virtual Exchange (VE) Scenarios.



For further information see