Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Numerous open positions in Science Management

Currently there are plenty of open positions in science management at various places. Check out the opportunites below with links to the job adverts!
Sorted by application deadline (note that on the bottom are two positions without any application deadlines).

show_pictureEU project manager at department of third party funding management (Forschungsförderung)

2000px-Logo_KIT.svgReferent/in for the Excellence Cluster POLiS in Ulm

nxrNEDBP_400x400Head of Graduate School

logo_ub_2021Online and social media editor

2000px-Logo_KIT.svgReferent/in for Research Coordination

ufz_transparent_en_blue@2xHR Developmental Manager

2000px-Logo_KIT.svgReferent/in for Public Relations

2000px-Logo_KIT.svgReferent/in for junior and tenure track professors

2000px-Logo_KIT.svgReferent/in for Internal Communications

40af2af1ab1b08825abf8be0f19a214a3e225cdcReferent/in for scientific project management and public relations

logo_ub_2021Referent/in for Career paths and talent management at YUFE Allianz

logo-cd36bda6c609c67ce7cab4412f277190Referent/in for research funding support (Forschungsförderung)

2000px-Albert-Ludwigs-Universität_Freiburg_2009_logo.svgReferent/in for media and public relations

  • Institution: University Freiburg
  • Duration, working hours, start of post:
    50% of the post is permanent; on top there is another 50% limited until 31 August 2024 (with intension to extend this part as well); start as soon as possible
  • Salary: TV-L, E13
  • Application deadline: 6 March 2022
  • Job advert:

 2000px-Albert-Ludwigs-Universität_Freiburg_2009_logo.svgReferent/in for the interdisciplinary qualification program for PhD graduates

1200px-Kühne_Logistics_University_logo_2019.svgOfficer for national, European and international research funding

1200px-Kühne_Logistics_University_logo_2019.svgManager Dean’s Office