Open positions in Science Management
Currently there are plenty of open positions in science management at various places. Check out the opportunites below with links to the job adverts!
Sorted by application deadline.
Science manager for equality-oriented career promotion
- Institution: Georg-August Universität Göttingen
- Duration, working hours, start of post: until 31.10.2025; 100% for the first 12 months and then 70% (in general part-time is possible); as soon as possible
- Salary: TV-L, E13
- Application deadline: 24 March 2022
- Job advert:
Scientific coordinator with a focus on the promotion of young scientists (Nachwuchsförderung)
- Institution: Cluster of Excellence “Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure” of the WWU
- Duration, working hours, start of post: until 31.12.2025; 65%; as soon as possible
- Salary: TV-L, E13
- Application deadline: 25 March 2022
- Job advert:
Scientific coordinator for the establishment of services to promote young scientists (Nachwuchsförderung)
- Institution:Cenide at the University Duisburg Essen
- Duration, working hours, start of post: limited for 2 years; 100%; as soon as possible
- Salary: TV-L, E13
- Application deadline: 6 April 2022
- Job advert: