New Dorothea Schlözer Funding Scheme “Career promotion of female scientists” (apply by 30 May 2023)
The University of Göttingen set up a new funding scheme within the Dorothea Schlözer Program funded by the Programme for Female Professors III. The scheme “Career promotion of female scientists” is aiming to compensate for structural disadvantages of women in science and, in the long term, to increase the proportion of women at all stages of the scientific career.
Addressing the individual requirements of young female scientists the programme supports projects or activities, which are significantly improving the chances of reaching the next career stage. Thereby the programme closes funding gaps and complements other existing funding measures, e.g. other schemes of the Dorothea Schlözer Programme and the Graduate Schools. Challenging life circumstances, such as care tasks (childcare, nursing) and Corona-related restrictions are taken into account during the funding decision. Application deadline is 30 May 2023.
Object of the funding
Female scientists can apply for financial measures as well as time resources to enable them to provide and expand required (additional) performances within the scientific career. These include:
- Post-doctoral fellowships to complete habilitation or equivalent achievements (obtaining appointability for a professorship)
- Start-up funding for the development/preparation of a research proposal (max. 10.000 €)
- Individual measures, e.g. measures supporting the completion of the master’s thesis; travel for field and archive research; grants for editing, proofreading and transcription of particularly career-enhancing papers and scientific publications; career-supporting measures, e.g. individual coaching/ training in the preparationof audition lectures and selection interviews (if not available at the University of Göttingen), Short-term International Mentorship Programme (STIM); participation in (international) meetings and conferences (with own researchcontribution for doctoral students and post-docs); holding a conference
- Support for scientific work by financing a student or research assistant
- Financing of childcare during parental leave in order to gain time for further scientific qualification (for children between 3 months up to 1 year without regular day care)
Funding of one’s own position is not possible.
This list is not final. In case of other requirements, please contact the programme coordinator (see below for contact details).
Eligible applicants: Those eligible to apply are female students in their final stage of studies (aiming for a doctorate) up to late postdocs. Employment or enrolment at the University of Göttingen is required. Funding for female master’s students (no MA degree yet) is only possible in areas or courses of study where the drop-out of women in the transition to doctoral studies is particularly high. UMG employees and female medical students are not eligible to apply due to the funding regulations of the Programme for Female Professors III.
Volume of the funding: Depending on its use the funding volume of an individual application is limited. Funding requires co-financing of the project from financial resources (not from third-party funds) of the faculty/institute/supervisor of the applicant (25,8% of the total amount). If a measure applied for has already been funded elsewhere in the past, renewed or additional funding is excluded (no double funding).
The volume of this call is 60.000 €.
The application form and further information can be found at the following website: Please be reminded that some requirements and rules have changed for the second call compared to the first call. Please check the current documents: DS_Career_promotion_2_Call_2023-02
Application submission: Complete applications can be submitted until 30th of March 2023 by E-mail in the form of one pdf file to: Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit, Tina Bergmann:
Contact: Programme coordinator Tina Bergmann, E-mail:, phone: 0551/ 29 26326