Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Joint Max Planck-Weizmann Postdoctoral Programme (apply by 1 Nov 2023)

header_imageThe new German-Israeli Max Planck Weizmann Postdoctoral Programme offers outstanding postdoctoral researchers in the fields of physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and earth sciences a prestigious four-year appointment in a unique research environment.

The cooperation between the MPG and the WIS offers talented researchers the opportunity to participate in innovative projects, benefit from the expertise of two renowned institutions and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective subjects.

  • Duration: 4 years with half of the time spent at the MPG (Max Planck Society) and half at the WIS (Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • Award: employment contracts are concluded according to German guidelines and take into account the postdoc’s level of experience (Level 2: 62,822 € per year, Level 3: 67,946 € per year)
  • Further benefits: Travel awards and conference funds as well as housing allowance

For further information on the programm and the application process click here. The application deadline is on 1 November 2023 (Online application form)