Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

GAUSS Career Workshop: “Supervisory Practice and Leadership in Science”, Sep 7-8/9, 2020 (online)

GAUSS-Career_Flyer_4seitig_09032018-1We are happy to announce our first workshop after this year’s summer break “Supervisory Practice and Leadership in Science” by Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi.

Leadership means giving people orientation and motivating them to achieve defined goals by giving their best. Leadership succeeds not based on a particular recipe, but a complex process, which draws on personal experience as a manager and as a guided person. The development of leadership skills is dependent on context, situation and people involved.

Due to the different and changing challenges, executives acquire an individual set of leadership skills and ability to establish an own leadership profile. Leadership will only be successful if the executive is willing to reflect on one’s own personality and situations from everyday management life and brings this experience responsibly and appropriately to the everyday leadership. For further information visit our GAUSS Career Blog.

Dates: Monday and Tuesday OR Wednesday, 7-8/9 September 2020
Duration: 2 modules á 4 hours: Monday, 7 September 2020, 9-13h (module I) and either Tuesday, 8 September 2020, 9-13h or Wednesday, 9 September 9-13 h (module II)
Location: The workshop will take place online!
Trainer: Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi

Registration: Please register here and send an e-mail to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.