Career Impulse Sessions will be back!
We finally decided not to wait until we have our “old normal” back. We will re-start our career impulse series online, though, of course, it would be much nicer to have you around face-to-face, have a chat with you and to invite you for “Kaffee und Kuchen” after the session.The sessions will be taking place once a month on Fridays 14:00 until approximately 15:30 (as usually), starting with an input by one of our alumni who will give insights on their current professional work and on their career path. Afterwards the floor will be open for your questions.
Furthermore, we plan to give you some networking opportunity in course of the sessions as well (ideas welcome). If you are interested in a special professional field (not just the average lab work or consulting…), we can try to organize a session focussing on this field. Just let us know at
You can already save the date for the January session: Jan 22, 2021. One of our alumni will give you personal insights on their successfully founding a start-up. Maybe this is a career opportunity for you, too… This session will be co-hosted by the university’s start-up support and we will learn a lot on how to become your own boss and what funding opportunities and further support measures the university is offering for fresh start-ups.