Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service


Nexus Program for interdisciplinary research groups by the Carl Zeiss Foundation (deadline: Aug 20, 2021)

The Nexus Program gives postdocs the opportunity to establish their own interdisciplinary research group over a period of five to six years. The program is looking for outstanding young scientists who want to pursue an academic career and implement exciting ideas at the interfaces between different STEM disciplines. It is precisely these disciplinary interfaces that offer enormous potential for scientific innovation; however, they are rarely given a chance in conventional funding programs. The Nexus program therefore consistently focuses on the connection between different disciplines. The interdisciplinarity should be reflected in the background of the applicants, in the design of the research project, in the planned personnel composition and in the institutional embedding of the group. The focus of the project can be both basic and application-oriented research.
For further information see
