GAUSS Career Workshop: “Interview Training for Postdocs” (16-17 March 2023)
We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service workshop “Interview Training for Postdocs” by Christelle Linsenmann.
Are you currently working as Postdoc or finalizing your PhD? Do you plan to transition to a position outside of academia, potentially in industry, but you feel unprepared for searching and finding a new position? In this workshop, you will learn and practice career development strategies with a focus on leaving a great impression in your job interview.
Dates: Thursday and Friday, 16-17 March 2023
Duration: Thursday, 16 March 2023, 13-16h and Friday, 17 March 2023, 9-16h
Location: GZMB building, large seminar room 0.232, ground floor, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11 (map)
Trainer: Christelle Linsenmann
Registration: Please register here and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.
Workshop Description:
Participants will learn to prepare for upcoming application procedures and especially the different phases and requirements of a job interview. After this workshop, participants can effectively describe their individual job-relevant skills and unique strengths, present themselves professionally in a job-interview and are able to master unforeseen or difficult situations confidently. The workshop focuses on the reflection of individual competencies, practical exercises on frequently asked questions and techniques in interviews and dealing with critical or unknown questions. Finally, participants will develop their own authentic self-presentation. Methodologically, the workshop focuses on a change of input phases, feedback rounds and guided exercises.