Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Information Event: “Behind the scenes at Cell Reports” (21 Mar 2023)

GGNB alumnus Christian Schnell, now senior Editor at Cell Reports (Cell Press, London, UK), will give an introduction to the publishing process at Cell Reports and Cell Press and explain what editors are looking for in your manuscripts, and how they make their decisions. He will also discuss how to find the best journal for your study and what (not) to write in the cover letter.

  • Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2023
  • Time: 10:00-11:00 (appr.)
  • Location: Seminar room 0.055, European Neuroscience Institute (ENI), Grisebachstr. 5, 37077 Göttingen (map)

If you are interested in a 1:1 to talk, for example to get tips for your abstract, you are welcome to talk to Christian personally after his presentation.

About the speaker:

Christian is an alumnus of the GGNB program ‘Molecular Physiology of the Brain’ and, until 2011, performed his doctoral research in the research group of Prof. Swen Hülsmann. After obtaining his PhD and doing a postdoc in the same lab, Christian moved to Cardiff in Wales as a Postdoc working on iPSC-derived models for neurodegenerative diseases and their potential as treatment options.

After three years in Cardiff, Christian decided to look for new a new challenge, which he found in editorial work, and moved to London. After a few locum positions at different Nature journals, Christian was a senior editor at Nature Communications as member of the Neuroscience and Psychology team and handled manuscripts across all areas within neuroscience. Since April 2022, he is Senior Editor and Strategic Analyst at Cell Reports at Cell Press in London.