Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service


Interdisciplinary symposium NETWORKS IN BIOLOGY

Networks are a common theme in all biological processes. Since the organization and structure and thus the function of biological networks can rarely be studied directly, different specialized approaches such as mathematical modelling, empirical studies or the combination of those are being developed in various biological disciplines. The main aim of the ‘NETWORKS IN BIOLOGY’ symposium is to bring researchers of different research fields together to reveal commonalities of different biological networks and overlaps in the used methodology.


The symposium will take place October, 12th-13th 2016 at the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.


Invited Speakers:

DAMIEN FARINE (MPI for Ornithology, Konstanz, Germany)

MARC TIMME (MPI for Dynamics & Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany)

JOHANNES JAEGER (Konrad-Lorenz Institute, Vienna, Austria)

STEFAN SCHEU (Department Animal Ecology, Göttingen, Germany)

ARNE TRAULSEN (MPI for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany)

LAUREN BRENT (Centre Research Animal Behaviour, Uni Exeter, UK)


Please find the program as well as travel information here:

The registration will be open until September, 15th 2016:

Since the interdisciplinary nature of this meeting profits from extensive exchange among all participants, we encourage all of you to submit an abstract for a contributed oral or a poster presentation. Please specify your choice during the registration process.

This conference is organized by the GOEvol network. For more information about us, visit:

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at any time via:


We are looking forward to meeting you in Göttingen!

The GOEvol Team

Twitter: @GOEEvolution
