Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

COVID-19-related measures taken by GAUSS

As you might already know from our Email last week, we have set up measures to be able to react adequate to the COVID-19-related exceptional case, both for GAUSS & GGNB students (which differ only in terms of responsibilities and contact persons (e.g. deaneries or GAUSS Office instead of GGNB Office). Those measures were sent to each doctoral student of GAUSS & GGNB and to all superivsors.

Information for GAUSS doctoral students can be found here: GAUSS measures

Information for GGNB doctoral students can be found here: GGNB measures

Both websites are continuously updated when we get new information that is relevant for you in the current situation. Therefore, in addition to the information provided for students by the university, you should also check for updates on the respective pages.

In case you have questions about the measures or other relevant problems, please get in touch with us.

Please understand that there is still much to be clarified & that we are currently changing most processes to digital. Thus, delays cannot be ruled out. We hope you understand this and thank you for your patience.

Best wishes,

the GAUSS Office