Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

COVID-19-related measures of GAUSS/GGNB

The pandemic situation is taking already longer than everyone expected. Therefore, we would like to share the measures of the graduate school from last year with those who have started their doctoral studies in the meantime.

In addition to the regulations and measures of the Presidential Board (Präsidium) of the University, we would like to inform you of the following measures taken by GAUSS in the light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
Please comply with the current regulations of the University’s COVID-19 3-level system.

All regulations are listed in more detail on the GAUSS or GGNB webpages.

Please check also our GAUSS FAQ-page.

Some of the main important aspects:

  • For all forms which require signatures, it is sufficient to provide the agreement of everyone in text form, e.g. by digital signatures on the form or alternatively by email as long as the person sending the email is clearly identifiable.
  • TAC Meetings can be held in presence or video-based. Please refer to the current University rules to check whether meetings in person are permitted.
    • Personal TAC Meetings, signatures of the TAC members can be collected on site.
    • Video based TAC meetings
      • GAUSS: the TAC members should confirm to the doctoral candidate per email that a video-based meeting took place. Alternatively, the signatures of the TAC members for the video-based TAC meeting can be collected digitally on the regular TAC meeting confirmation sheet.
      • GGNB: the doctoral candidate should confirm per email that a video-based meeting took place. Sending this email confirmation in cc to the three Thesis Advisory Committee members replaces their confirmation by signature. Please use the following text for the confirmation email.
  • Applications for Thesis Extension
      • GAUSS: the application should be send to the respective office/deanery by email. Signatures of the TAC members for confirmation can be collected on site, collected digitally, or confirmations by the TAC members should be sent by email to the doctoral candidate.
      • GGNB: signatures of the TAC members for confirmation can be collected on site. If personal signatures aren’t possible (e.g. in case of video meeting), the application form should be sent to the GGNB/IMPRS/MolMed Offices by email and in cc to the TAC members.
  • As a legal framework the changes were incorporated to the doctoral degree regulations (RerNat-O) as a new paragraph §7a in spring 2020.