Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Lecture series “Current Topics in Biophysics”

Dear PhD students within GAUSS,


We would like to draw your attention to the lectures series “Current Topics in Biophysics” which is offered by the GGNB PhD Program “Physics of Biological and Complex Systems”.


The lecture series is open to all interested PhD students in GAUSS!

You are welcome to join whenever a topic is of interest.


Fridays from 10:15-11:45 am, the full program is attached (GGNB_Biophysics_Lectures_WS-2017-2018)!

Start: 20th October 2017


Prof. Dr. Martin Uecker, University Medical Center Göttingen – Computational magnetic resonance imaging: Seeing beyond the Nyquist limit


Seminar room SR16 (room F02.125),

III. Institute of Physics,

Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1,

37077 Göttingen.


The lecture series offers a broad overview of the methods used in biophysics and related disciplines

from experimental to theoretical,

from spectroscopy to whole-cell manipulations,

from microscopy and nanoscopy to the simulation of complex systems.


This “methods in a nutshell” course provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with several techniques as taught by the experts.


Best regards,

The PBCS Office


Full Program: GGNB_Biophysics_Lectures_WS-2017-2018