Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service


8th GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology (August 2019)

The GESIS Team is happy to announce the program of the 8th GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology. The Summer School 2019 will be held from 01 to 23 August at GESIS Cologne, Germany. 16 courses are scheduled, among them 4 short courses and 12 one-week courses. New to the program are courses on “Questionnaires for Cross Cultural Surveys” and “Pretesting”. The courses “Mathematical Tools for Social Scientists” and “Factorial Survey Design” return to the Summer School program after a break.

Don’t miss the opportunity to master advanced techniques of statistical data analyses with renowned international experts. Here is an overview of this year’s courses:

Week 0 (01 02 August): 

Using Mplus for Latent-Variable Modeling: An Introduction – Dr. Matthias Bluemke, Dr. Ai Miyamoto, Dr. Clemens Lechner (GESIS, Germany)
Research Designs and Causal Inference – Prof. Dr. Stefanie Eifler, Dr. Heinz Leitgöb (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany)
Introduction to Data Analysis Using Stata – Dr. Kathrin Busch, Julia Klinger (GESIS, Germany)
Open Access to Research Data. Facing Funders’ Requirements on Making Research Data FAIR – Dr. Sebastian Netscher, Dr. Anja Perry (GESIS, Germany)

Week 1 (05 – 09 August):

Introduction to Survey Design – Asst. Prof. Dr. Bella Struminskaya (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands), Ulrich Krieger (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling: Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Mplus – Prof. Dr. Jost Reinecke, Georg Kessler (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
Questionnaire Design – Prof. Dr. Marek Fuchs, Anke Metzler (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany)
Mathematical Tools for Social Scientists: A Refresher Course with R – Prof. Dr. Michael Greenacre (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain), Dr. Oleg Nenadic (University of Göttingen, Germany)

 Week 2 (12 16 August):

Introductory Course to R with Applications from Data Analysis – Dr. Jan-Philipp Kolb, Alexander Murray-Watters (GESIS, Germany)
Mixed-Mode and Mixed-Device Surveys – Prof. Dr. Edith de Leeuw, Asst. Prof. Dr. Vera Toepoel, (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands), Dr. Thomas Klausch (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Data – Dr. Florian Meinfelder, Angelina Hammon (University of Bamberg, Germany)
Design and Implementation of Longitudinal Surveys – Dr. Tarek Al Baghal (University of Essex, United Kingdom), Dr. Alexandru Cernat (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

 Week 3 (August 19 23 August):

Questionnaires for Cross Cultural Surveys  – Prof. Dr. Michael Braun (University of Mannheim & GESIS, Germany), Brita Dorer, Dr. Katja Hanke (GESIS, Germany)
Sampling, Weighting, and Estimation – Stephanie Eckman, PhD (RTI International, USA)
Pretesting – Asst. Prof. Dr. Katharina Meitinger (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands), Emily Geisen (RTI International, USA)
Factorial Survey Design – Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany), Dr. Carsten Sauer (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

 Scholarships, ECTS Credits & More

15 Scholarships are available to Summer School participants. 10 of them are awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)/ Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS) of the University of Cologne. 5 grants are disbursed by European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

In addition to courses, the organisers  have set evening talks by experts in Survey Methodology and prepared a number of plenary and social events such as weekly welcome receptions, cultural and social excursions.


More Information can be found here!