EMBL PhD Symposium – Facing the Future 28–30 November 2019 Heidelberg
The 21st annual EMBL PhD Symposium connects young researchers and high-profile scientists from a broad range of disciplines.
This year´s motto Facing the Future: Perspectives and Challenges of Life Sciences in the 21st century.
Highly interesting scientific topics from environmental and global health issues to interdisciplinary approaches like physics and informatics in biology, and awareness of the challenges within the scientific community including big data, open access and gender equality.

Short talks & Flash talks, Poster sessions, Heidelberg City Tour, Dinner…
EMBO Keynote lecture by Anthony Hyman (Research: how do cells form non-membrane bound compartments)
Date: 28-30 November 2019
Location: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Registration deadline: 17 October
Abstract deadline: 5 September
Travel grants available – deadline: 5 September
More information via social media: