Wissenswert – Science goes City, 26 Oct 2019
This opportunity is for all Postdocs, PhD students and researchers across the Campus in all disciplines whether you speak German or English.
How can you share your wonder for science? How can you make others realise how important and relevant research is? How can you help to address common misconceptions? One of the most reliable and convincing ways to communicate science is by meeting people individually and simply chatting with them, understanding their viewpoint and sharing your enthusiasm. These communication skills are important not just for science communication but also for interviews, teaching, being a leader in research and getting funding.
Here is an opportunity to practise those very skills at our interactive science event!
When: Saturday 26 October
Why: Wissenswert – Science goes City – University and Campus team up with ProCity, to promote science in the centre of Göttingen. Science will be showcased across Göttingen at a number of special events involving scientists
Where is our event: in a marquee next to the Gänseliesel
What you will need to do: Sign up by emailing Melissa. On the day: turn up. Sit down. Chat for 30 mins to different people who will visit you. Then stay to mingle with visitors, follow up on any conversations that weren’t finished and share coffee and cookies for the rest of the time (up to an hour in total per session).
Visitors: could be anyone – children, adults, teachers, students, scientists, those who live nearby or people visiting
Times: 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 (each session lasts one hour).
Other: Sign up for as many sessions as you like (one, two or three).
Everyone is welcome and it will be a fun hour spent with folk from Göttingen.
Email me to put your name down. Feel free to give me a call if you have any queries at all.
All the best, Melissa