Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

New GAUSS student representatives

On 30th October the student representatives of the individual GAUSS programs met to elect the new student representatives of GAUSS. Four candidates were nominated for the election, including Christian Roth, student in the IMPRS Genome Science Program of GGNB, and Hanna Knirsch, student of the Mathematical Sciences Program of the Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Sciences. Although there was a tie of votes between the two, Hanna agreed to take on the role of deputy. Christian is thus the new GAUSS student representative with Hanna as deputy representative.

Christian has already some knowledge of what it means to be a student representative, since he held this position for a year in the program Genome Science (2017-2018). He is very much interested in PhD-related problems of doctoral students and thus joined the organizing team of the upcoming GGNB students survey in 2019 and became a member of the analysis team of the PhDNet survey of the Max Planck Society. With the position as GAUSS student representative Christian wants to take active part in finding ways to reduce PhD-related problems, such as non-compliance with the rules of good doctoral supervision.

Hanna just recently became the student representative of the Mathematical Sciences Program of the Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Sciences and is a doctoral student of the RTG 2088 since about a year now. Hanna is very much interested in solving problems concerning examination-related requirements. She is eager to improve the GAUSS regulations for the benefit of each single doctoral student, so that everyone is treated equally, no matter what background this person has.

Hanna and Christian were introduced and appointed in the subsequent meeting of the student representatives of GAUSS with members of the GAUSS board, which also Prof. Ina Kersten as the person of trust of GAUSS attended.


Contact Details of Christian & Hanna:

GAUSS Representative GAUSS Deputy Representative
Christian Roth
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Research Group Quantitative and Computational Biology
PhD student of GGNB, IMPRS Genome Science
Am Faßberg 11, 37077 Göttingen
Hanna Knirsch
Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
PhD student of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Student representative program Mathematics (SMS)
Lotzestraße 16-18, 37083 Göttingen
Phone: +49 551 39-26772