12th Göttinger Chemie-Forum – virtual conference, 30 Jul
The 12th Göttinger Chemie-Forum will take place on 30 July – ONLINE.
As in the past the JCF Göttingen (JungChemikerForum) invites you to submit oral presentations or posters.
Oral presentations should not take longer than 15 minutes (+5 minutes of discussion) and will be held via video conferencing. Both poster and oral presentations can be given in german or english. By submitting you agree that your abstract will be pubslished on our homepage as part of the book of abstracts!
The lectures will be held via video conference. It´s still not clear about the presentation of Posters until now – stay informed. A template for abstracts and all further information is available on the JCF homepage (www.jungchemikerforum.de/goettingen ).
Deadline for abstract submission: 5 July
Participation without own contribution does not require registration.
For all questions please contact the JCF-Göttingen by mail: jcf@chemie.uni-goettingen.de.