EMBL PhD Symposium 2020 – online & for free – 27-28 Nov 2020
On behalf of the organizing committee (EMBL PhD student class of 2023), it is our great pleasure to invite all students to participate in the 22nd EMBL PhD Symposium which, for the first time in EMBL’s history, will take place virtually on 27-28 November 2020.
We are pleased to inform you that the participation is free of charge for everyone. This year our Symposium centres on the theme “The Roaring 20s: a New Decade for Life Sciences”.
In order to present a global picture of these latest challenges and perspectives, in this event we are dedicated to bring together the most outstanding researchers from a broad range of disciplines.
Our Main sessions will be: Cell Biology; Synthetic Biology; Medicine, Health & Diseases; Neuroscience; Evolution; Society & Philosophy; Ecology, Environment and Climate Change.
Our line up of confirmed speakers includes top scientists, who are already facing and ‘shaping’ the future of science, such as Christa Schleper (University of Vienna, Austria), Jean-Leon Maitre (Institut Curie, France), Lisa Maier (University of Tübingen, Germany), Luigi Naldini (San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Italy), Marileen Dogterom (University of Leiden, Netherlands), Matteo Carandini (UCL, UK), Miguel Nicolelis (Duke University Medical Center, USA), Muzzlifa Haniffa (Newcastle University, UK), Nadanai Laohakunakorn (University of Edinburgh, UK).

To promote fruitful interactions during the symposium, we encourage students from Göttingen to participate with a short talk or a poster.
Abstract submission deadline: September 3rd
Registration deadline: October 15th
For more information about the EMBL PhD Symposium, please refer to our conference webpage: http://phdsymposium.embl.org/
Yours sincerely,
Organization Team
EMBL PhD Symposium 2020