Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Election of the doctoral student council 2021 (Promovierendenvertretung (PromV))

Elections for the doctoral student council (Promovierendenvertretung (PromV)) for the next one-year term of office (starting 01.10.2021) will take place soon.

The doctoral student council consists of 13 members, with one member to be elected per faculty. The doctoral representatives are the representatives of the faculties that advise on questions concerning doctoral students and make recommendations to the university’s governing bodies. The doctoral representatives are therefore not to be equated with the doctoral student representatives of the individual doctoral programmes in GAUSS (but can be the same person indeed).

The meeting of the doctoral candidates by means of a video conference will take place on 2nd June 2021.

The election announcement can be found here. All eligible voters will receive a separate information e-mail from the University to their student e-mail address.

The election will be held as a general postal vote. The postal voting documents are automatically sent to the addresses of the doctoral students which are stored on eCampus.