Symposium Forests in the Anthropocene, 30 Jun 2022, Göttingen
Dear PhD students,
The Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology warmly invites you to the Symposium Forests in the Anthropocene, which takes place on 30th of June 13:00-18:15 (followed by a reception) in the lecture hall F02, Büsgenweg 2.
Forests in Europe and worldwide are under enormous pressure from extreme climatic events, droughts, storms, insect outbreaks, novel tree diseases and land-use change. This has enormous repercussions on multiple ecological and social functions. Understanding and addressing these interacting disturbances is a great challenge, and an inter-disciplinary approach is needed more than ever. After more than two years without face-to-face colloquia and seminars, the main aim of the symposium is to revitalize academic life and to scan the horizon of different cutting-edge approaches from the molecular level to broad-scale modeling.
Attendance is free of charge but we ask for registration to get an idea about the number of participants.
For registration and detailed program see:
I hope to see many of you there!
With kind regards,
Holger Kreft
(Dean of Research, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology)