Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Contacts for critical situations during your PhD and critical situation management

Although all GAUSS supervisors and students should comply with the GAUSS Rules of good practice for doctoral supervision (English, German), there is always the possibility that difficulties arise.

If you encounter conflicts you cannot resolve between you and your PhD supervisor on your own, you can contact the most appropriate person in the list below:

If you are seeking advice, everything will be treated strictly confidential.


In case of a possible scientific misconduct, you can also contact the Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice for confidential consultation.

Help can also be found at the Representative for Academic Quality (confidential advisor/ombudsperson).
You can send personal or anonymous e-mails (studienqualitaet(at) or call. Personal data is of course treated strictly confidential.


In case you are encountering mobbing or sex-related violence, please find more information under this link.