Information from GAUSS & GAUSS Career Service

Young Cancer Scientist Network & Kick-off Symposium with Career Talks, 12 Nov 2022

The CCC-N is inviting to their First Annual Young Cancer Scientist Symposium on 12 November 2022 (9 am onwards) at the HS55, UMG, Robert-Koch-Straße 40, 37075 Göttingen.
In the third year of the pandemic, an entire generation of young scientists focusing on cancer has had little opportunity to interact with other researchers in person. The meeting is intended to enable them to present their work, exchange ideas, models, and technologies, and establish scientific networks beyond their existing groups and institutions. In addition, the event will provide information about
career paths, with representatives from both academia and industry reporting on their respective careers and providing valuable tips.

The program includes:

  • Poster presentations by all participants
  • Young Scientist talks
  • Information and talks about career paths (speakers: Dr. Laura Hinze (MHH) and Jens Gruber, PhD (Curexsys GmbH)
  • Social exchange with other young cancer researchers (snacks and drinks).

You will have the chance to present your work, to learn about other cancer research topics and relevant methods used in the framework of the CCC-N, and interact scientifically and socially with other young scientists. In addition, the meeting will serve as a kick-off meeting for the Young Cancer Scientist Network “Young CCC-N” for researchers at the UMG and the MHH. This network will promote cooperation beyond existing structures and especially across locations. In addition, it will foster interaction by offering networking opportunities, workshops, and information about funding opportunities.

If you are a cancer researcher who:

  • Is currently working on your MD/PhD thesis or
  • Have finished your thesis within the last three years and are engaged in postdoctoral cancer research

please send an abstract of your presentation of no more than 200 words to Please indicate whether you would like to give one of the selected talks or whether you would prefer to present a poster only.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2022.

The meeting is organized by Prof. Günter Schneider (UMG) und Prof. Michael Heuser (MHH) of the CCC-N Translational Research Team. Together, the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) and the Hannover Medical School (MHH) form the Comprehensive Cancer Center Lower Saxony (CCC-N). It is one of 14 “Krebsspitzenzentren” funded by the German Cancer Aid with the aim to provide patients with improved care according to the latest scientific findings and to advance innovative cancer research. For more information,
please visit our website.